
Webinar on demand: Electric vehicles – the remarketing risk

Nadine Franz | 23 Feb 2021


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23 Feb 2021

Symbol Icon Weltkugel

Auf Abruf

Laden eines E-Fahrzeugs

Hosted by a panel of Autovista Group experts, we discuss what you should focus on in order to maximise the opportunities available and minimise the risk in your portfolio.

Get insight on:

  • The threats and opportunities posed by EV and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) technologies within the French, German, Italian, Spanish and UK markets
  • How to use the opportunities around the electrification of automotive mobility to your advantage
  • Learnings from the world’s most mature EV market – Norway. Courtesy of Geir Kristoffersen, Managing Director of Rødboka (now part of Autovista Group)
  • How to adjust your scenario planning and quantify the remarketing risks for your portfolio

Hear from our experts:

  • Dr. Christof Engelskirchen, Chief Economist, Autovista Group
  • Ana Azofra, Valuation and Insights Manager, Autovista Spain
  • Andreas Geilenbrügge, Head of Valuations and Insights, Schwacke
  • Marco Pasquetti, Forecast and Data Specialist, Autovista Italy
  • Yoann Taitz, Operations and Valuations Director, Autovista France
  • Anthony Machin, Head of Content and Product, Glass’s
  • Geir Kristoffersen, Managing Director, Rødboka

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